Allegory of Pain (The Unearthed Series Book 2) Read online


  Allegory of Pain

  Volume 2

  By Marc Mulero

  © 2020 Marc Mulero. All rights reserved.

  A free relic of the Old World awaits…

  My Uncle taught me everything I know. How to fight… how to live… to harness the ways of the Neraphis Society for the day they may call. He didn’t prepare me for his death, though.

  My name is Elinor Elsan, and I proclaim that weeping in a corner in the wake of the Global Quake is not the way. To accept death before its time is for the cowardly and weak. I, for one, choose life, adventure… like Uncle sought.

  So that’s it then. I’m done sulking – I’m packing my shit and hightailing to Old Iceland, where I belong. He left me the resources needed to find them. I’ve earned my key. And I’m not wasting another minute in this chemistry lab when I know I’m only working with limited elements. Basic chemicals and broken people. Pfft. I deserve more.

  It’s time to chase immortality like the rest of the crazies - no matter the price.

  Get a free copy of the prequel

  Unearthed: The Forsaken Bond here:



  Part I

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Part II

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23


  Other Books by the Author

  About the Author

  A Note from the Author


  Blague Grenich – Leader of the Sin rebellion. He was once part of a noble cause led by his father - to rebuild the post-Quake world, to create order amid chaos. Thus, the hierarchy was born with the Hiezers sitting atop it. They were tasked with reviving those who were left and developing the technologies necessary to foster humanity’s survival. But somewhere down the line, a bad seed infiltrated and betrayed Blague’s family… a man with no regard for morality, his half-brother, Mulderan. First on his agenda was the execution of their father. Next, the love of Blague’s life was ripped from him, murdered for her rare DNA. The cards quickly became stacked against him, but when all seemed lost, his brother spared him. Mulderan saw potential, deeming him fit to inhabit this New World alongside his chosen. So instead of death, he was branded and banished. And in a twisted fate, the encapsulated DNA of his love was to be injected into him to extend his life and leave him to wander until his priorities realigned. But that could never be. Instead, he rose from the depths of the hierarchy young in body and old in mind – to fight.

  Mulderan Grenich – The Highest Lord of the Hiezers. Blague’s half-brother, attempted murderer of their father, and foreteller of the Global Quake. He and his bride, Eldra, subscribe unfailingly to the Darwinist hierarchy that they’ve molded, and have pledged their lives to the “greatest good.” Ayelan is his means, immortality is his end. But when the Highest Lord was captured, beaten by the very people that he denounced, everything he worked for was cast into doubt.

  Orin Grenich – Blague and Mulderan’s mysterious father. He was a powerful CEO in the pre-Quake world and the founding member of the Hiezers. Thought to be long dead, he resurfaced as a different man, with obvious signs of exposure to Cryos (the blue matter used to brand the exiled), Ayelan (the chemical used to prolong life), the smoke of Vicissitude, and other unworldly experiences. Using the alias “Niro,” he watched over his sons until the time was right to unveil his identity and aid in the successful capture of Mulderan.

  Eugene – The solemn sniper. Once a Remdon living with his girlfriend, Jen, Eugene had been demoted to a Sin after defending his love for a criminal act. He demanded to be taken in her place of exile, only to be hauled off alongside her. Branded and shipped away to the wasteland that was Senation, their ride was a warm welcome into the brutal life of a Sin. A riot had broken out. Defiler gangs nearly took over the transport and within the chaos, Jen was lost, murdered… or so he was told.

  Thinking that she’d met a violent end and leaving him with nothing else to live for, he offered himself to the rebellion. His oppositional mind proved to be exactly what Blague had sought, and so he was chosen as the right-hand commander of the Sins. Years passed. Companionship found him in his new life, and purpose renewed in righting injustices. All was slowly falling back into place, until the Aura showed up at his doorstep to flip his world upside down. After the Sins had rejected the strange group seeking an alliance, the Aura lured a valuable asset out of their home in retaliation: Eugene. Composure, rationality, loyalty, was all lost when it was revealed that a scarred and battered Jen was among them. He had to have her back. And when they reunited, seeing what she’d become proved that neither of them would ever be the same.

  Lesh – The Sin assassin. Scooped up as a child by The Spade, a Hiezer subsect of assassins, she trained under the Chief until the day her defiler brother was to be taught a lesson. The massacre of her family spurred the use of her talents in retaliation, and damned her into exile at the mercy of her mentor. Now, the hardened assassin follows Blague with undying loyalty, culling Hiezer numbers in the name of the rebellion.

  Sabin – The Templos hunter. A man with rare, golden eyes abandoned his fruitless life as a Templos to heed the call of his oldest (but not his best) friend, Blague. Kinless, his only family had become his beloved wolf, Mars. The duo traveled light of heart and full of spirit, exuding character amongst a stern group. His hopeless crush on Lesh and endless annoyance of Eugene poked life into their solemn days, but he, too, may be tested.

  Lito – The crazed demolitionist. Native to the wild exiled land of Bulchevin, Lito once contentedly worked the mines in search of the precious Ayelan chemical. He’d spent his days in darkness and nights in blinding brightness, only to have his familia suffer a grim fate in his absence at the hands of the Hiezers. Shipped away to Senation and right into the rebellion’s arms, he grew fond of his new hermanos and was devoted to their protection. After proving his worth as a commander, he’d returned home with a decree to expand, destined to become the Sin that vengeance begged him to be.

  Volaina – The spy commander. Constantly undercover, she swells with guilt for the lives she’s been forced to take, and finds her spot as the central source of intelligence for the Sins. Without her, the exiled would be blind to threats and deaf to opportunity. She continues to lay her life on the line while the stakes continue to rise.

  Drino – The militant commander. Trainer of new cadets and leader of all Sin squadrons, he rushes head on into battle with a wish for death. Scars tell his war stories, and munitions keep them coming. How he fell into Blague’s group is a mystery, but the rebellion is grateful to have him.

  Biljin – The genius physicist and scout commander. Rarely seeing eye-to-eye with his rebellion leader, they do agree on one thing - tyrannical rule must be disbanded, no matter the cost. As arrogant as he is competent, Biljin climbs the ranks of the hierarchy to disrupt order and gain entry into the Hiezer Elite as an undercover Sin.

  Briggs (deceased) – The noblest of Sin commanders and kindest of hearts, he perished on the battlefield to save the rebellion’s only lev
erage, an Ayelan capsule, as well as his only son, Kentin. His giant body became the shield to enemy fire so that his friends could live. He will be remembered not only for his bravery, but for his humility.

  Jennifer Parinto/Asura – Eugene’s longtime girlfriend, thought to be murdered on the boat into exile. She was raped mercilessly by savages en route to Senation and rescued by Nemura. Emotionally destroyed, she became a catatonic shell of a person who was recruited by the Aura. Enveloped in Auront’s smoke, she was infused with red ichor that reinvigorated her past and gifted her with supernatural powers. After murdering Jason and proclaiming herself leader of the Aura, she chose the side of the Sins and her old love, saving them just when they needed it most.

  Eldra – Labeled for her crystal blue eye and stone-cold viciousness, the Ice Queen serves in a unique position at the top of the food chain beside her husband, Mulderan. A seasoned sniper and mastermind, she led the Hiezers to countless strategic victories since she was just a pre-teen. In the Battle for Old New York, however, both her eye and husband had been stolen by the Sins. Thereafter she sat alone, charged with keeping Mulderan’s vision for prolonged life alive and well.

  Oscin – The drunken Sin pilot. Admonished for his sloppy behavior, but revered for his skills, he often finds himself fighting alongside leadership against the odds.

  Cherris – Caretaker for the Sin rebellion. She is the warmth in the winter, mother for orphans who have nowhere left to turn, and the spearhead of the civil side of the Sin community in Senation.

  Milos – The boy with no luck. A step too late from saving his mother’s life, and one too early from dying alongside her, he now exists alone, tormented by the image of his fallen mom. His hesitations in the past forced him to act in the present - to kill his friend, Felik, the Hiezer spy. But he was too young for any of what had befallen him, leaving him ripe for trauma. With Cherris’ love, Kentin’s friendship, and Lesh’s conditioning, he carries on.

  Kentin – Sole offspring of the late Briggs. His charisma and optimism were inherited from a great man, and his strained relationship with his best friend, Milos, is not without a brother’s love.

  Jason Brink (deceased) – The discoverer of the bleeding island, Auront, and the founder of his followers, the Aura, Jason once thrived in the madness of Auront’s crimson smoke. Bestowed with enlightenment gifted from the island’s heart, he’d promised the same to his followers. But non-linear comprehension of time and whispers from the smolder had yielded a seemingly foretold end for him at the hand of Asura, his first chosen.

  Endok – The Sin scientist. A valued member of the rebellion. His sharp mind helped to identify the first real leverage the Sins had seen since they’d stumbled into the fight - an Ayelan capsule. He worked to split the chemical and keep his people alive. Close counsel to Blague on all things logical and outlandish, he thirsts for knowledge of the world’s anomalies.

  Nemura – The ruthless jester. Vile and punishing, he comes alive in the face of others’ pain. He betrayed the Sins and cost them innocent lives, only to be turned over by his new faction, the Aura.

  Narene – A loving nurse. Upon laying eyes on the somber sniper, Eugene, there was an instant connection. Over time, they grew closer and wound up spending nights in each other’s arms. That is, until a ghost from his past returned to flip the tables.

  Jeck Stone – A loyal Hiezer of the High Council, he advises on the Sin rebellion after being rescued from their captivity.

  Alek – A highlord of the Hiezers, he often found himself at odds with Mulderan’s decisions, and works to make sure all orders are adequately challenged.

  Veer – A highlord of the Hiezers who is respected for his reason, he proves to be a valuable member of the High Council.

  Uldan – A builder shipped off to Bulchevin.

  Wes – A brutal Hiezer quartermaster who runs into battle heavy with armor and without the usual armaments; his fists are the weapons of choice.

  Part I


  Chapter 1

  Lito peered out from the window of a swooping jet. Finally… back to Bulchevin. Back home. He watched as his carrier skimmed along the careful route like a hawk diving for prey. It was a magnificent feeling, really, to have left on a rusty boat all those years ago, to return again with stolen wings from the rulers of the hierarchy. His heart rate rose as the water below quickly turned to earthy beach. He remembered these lands, and knew them well. Green patches around islands of sand drew closer as they plunged, evoking memories from his youth for the Sin Commander. It reminded him of a life before all of this fighting, before all of the loss.

  He looked to the dormant Cryos mark pressed onto his arm, the scars and scrapes surrounding it, recalling a time when he was a simple exile. He was happy then, with his familia.

  Tough? Sure. Brutal? At times, yes. They were Sins after all, under the Hiezer whip. But still, it was better. He was praised by those around him, in a different way than what he’d grown accustomed to in recent years. It was less complicated in Bulchevin - demolition expertise within the mines meant more food for his mama, and his energy at festivals meant more laughs for friends. Things were good once, before it all had fallen to dust. That’s why he was here. That’s why he’d been sent - to bring it back.

  “Blague asked me to come here because they know… a Bulchevin native sits high in the rebellion ranks,” he said quietly to himself. “They know me, and there’s no greater duty than to use my name for liberation. No more hiding hermanos.”

  The eroded land of Bulchevin welcomed him home with open arms. Sin fighters peeked from otherwise invisible caves. Men, women, and children sporting decorative bands and shining blue marks stole his attention. The roaring jet descending dug the natives up, because they knew he was coming. Fists pumped into the air to reach for him, along with rallying shouts to rival the engines. A beacon. Lito was a beacon, the closest thing to fame an exile could hope for. His people knew his arrival was meant to breathe unity into their hearts, to wrestle back control of their lives. He was to be a colorful mascot to march behind. The Sin rebellion was catching fire, and that, in turn, ignited his own. How could he resist it?

  Lito pounded back on the window, unable to contain his excitement. He shouted to lower the ramp moments after the jet touched ground, and then galloped down, his boots clanging against the metal platform with every step.

  "C'mon, mijo," he whirled his hand to beckon the pilot.

  Oscin cringed as a wave of heat slapped him in the face. "Welcome to Bulchevin, I guess," he slurred through numb lips.

  The soused aviator stumbled down the slope, lifting a hand to block the sun and take in his surroundings. No such luck though, for sweat had already saturated his messy black hair and dripped down into now stinging eyes. He sneered at both the discomfort and his own putrid stench rapidly rushing away from his body like smoke from a rotten exhaust pipe.

  Yet Lito was too enlivened to care, and so he wrapped a lanky arm around his new friend anyway. All Oscin could see as he jerked his head back to avoid the invasion of personal space was a set of white teeth beneath a pair of fogged up goggles. And when Lito lifted them to reveal bright purple eyes, each with a pupil following its own rules for letting in the light, one dwarfing the other, it left Oscin wanting to turn the other way and head back to Senation.

  "Hah, Blague was right about you. Drunk as a skunk, but boy can you fly. I can hardly believe it,” Lito giggled before the smell finally crept up, singeing his nostrils. “Damn, hermano, you gonna win us this war all by yourself! Hiezer armor doesn’t stand a chance against that stink." He pushed Oscin away.

  “How did I end up in this hellhole with you?”

  "Oh shut it. You’re lucky to be alive after the way you spoke back to Drino, man. 'Ju are a crazy fuck. But maybe you do have what it takes to make it out here… time will tell, eh?”

  Oscin raised an eyebrow. The vote of confidence coming from a purple-eyed, Mohawk sporting, pyromaniac made him feel
more intoxicated than he already was.

  "What’s the matter, you gonna hurl? Cat got your tongue? What is it?" Lito joked before turning away. “C’mon mijo. See them over there? That’s our meet-up spot, our rendezvous. Those rebels are going to get us to safety out here, comprende? Don’t mess up your pants now… won’t be a good look.”

  The Sin commander bobbed his head while nearing the growing crowd, feeling very much at home with the Bulchevin sun beaming down upon his face. It was as if heaven itself was opening its gates to admit him – light reflecting hard off the ground to produce a divine walkway, scorching temperature drawing up waves of heat that resembled a thousand angelic wings, and finally, friends and family eagerly waiting to greet him. Eventually though, the rose-colored goggles faded, or in this case, green-tinted goggles were put back on… and Lito saw the real. That godly walkway was already littered with blood. Wings? Hah. More like the heated stench of a thousand unshowered bodies leaving an invisible trail. Friends and family? No, no. These were strangers… a fiery bunch who’d been infinitely poked with a hot-iron brander. This surely wasn’t heaven. It may have been hell, but it wasn’t so bad. And through it all, one thing was for sure: there was no calm before this storm.

  Every step closer pounded with more energy: the ground shaking, cursing becoming less muffled. All of it exacerbated an already fervid temperament, and was topped off by an object in the distance that slowly revealed itself. In dramatic fashion, Lito stopped abruptly, dropping his hands to his sides.